Continental High Pressure Hydraulic Hose

Continental High Pressure Hydraulic Hose


Continental ContiTech High Pressure Hydraulic Hose features the following hose: Arctic LR2SN (SAE 100R2AT/2SN), ARMORCOAT ACP3 (SAE 100R17), ARMORCOAT ARC16SC (SAE 100R16/EN V857 2SC), Desert DR16SC (SAE 100R16SC), Desert DR2SN (SAE 100R2AT-Type S), Extended Life XCP3 (SAE 100R17), Extended Life XR16SC (SAE 100R16/EN 857 2SC), SCP3 (SAE 100R17) and SR16SC (SAE 100R16/EN 857 2SC). We can promise you that ContiTech's high pressure hydraulic hose will meet the performance and quality standards you would come to expect. Features include:

  • Inside Diameter: 1/4" to 2"
  • Working Pressure: Up to 5800 PSI
  • Burst Pressure: Up to 23200 PSI
  • Tube Material: CPE and Nitrile
  • Temperature Range: -58°F to 302°F